Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Civic Duty: LaVena Johnson Letter

Dear Sens. Warner and Web and Rep. Moran,

I'm writing to add my voice to the growing support to open a congressional investigation into the death of Private LaVena Johnson. My understanding of the situation indicates that there are many unresolved questions about her supposed suicide, and her family deserves to have those questions answered.

We have a duty to protect our enlisted women. The fact that numerous women have been assaulted or killed at the hands of their fellow servicemen is horrifying and obviously cause for great concern. What kind of "liberators" are we if we're allowed to treat our women like that and get away with it?

For obvious reasons, we need all the soldiers we can get. And we need to keep all of those soldiers as safe as possible, and that includes realizing that "the enemy" may not be the only person who poses a threat to our enlisted women (and men, for that matter).

Please take this first small step toward preventing more harm to female soldiers. Please open an investigation into LaVena Johnson's death.

Thank you,

Alexandria, VA

Please take a minute to e-mail your members of Congress and let them know that you support an investigation into Johnson's death. You can copy and paste my letter, but they really only listen when you take the time to add some of your own words.

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